Offering a circuit extender board set to use with the Yaesu FT901/902 Transceivers IN KIT FORM . Boards are traced, fitted and edge connectors mounted. Soldering the remaining edge connector connections is all that is need to produce functioning extender boards. See photos: First photo shows board after completion. Second and third photos show how they are shipped. Note that the boards are traced, fitted and connectors mounted by having the end edge connectors soldered. The builder needs only to solder the remaining connections to have three functioning extender boards. This takes 10/15 minutes To be sure the edge connector of the 22X1 board is firm it is recommended that that the unsoldered connections of the edge connector be epoxied to the untraced side of the board. These boards, close in fit and form to the original Yaesu components, are used to extend the plug-in boards so they can be serviced and/or repaired. The set includes the following boards: One 10 X 2 (10 conductors on each side for a total of 20 conductors) One 18 X 2 (18 conductors on each side for a total of 36 conductors) One 22 conductor extender single sided extender for 22 conductors. TNX & 73 John WA1ESO