I wanted to replace the drifty VFO in one of my rigs with a digital solution, but my hand-wired solution was messy, fiddly, and prone to ground loops and digital noise. So I designed a PCB and, well, I got carried away. The result is the UDVBM-1: a universal motherboard for an Arduino-compatible micro-controller (MCU) module and an Adafruit-compatible Si5351 PLL clock module. The UDVBM-1 can be used in any rig for either the VFO or the BFO, or (usually) both. Additionally, the I2C, SPI, and 1-wire digital buses of the MCU are brought out to ports along the board edge to use for inputs (rotary encoders, buttons, and switches) and outputs (LCDs or other digital displays, panel idicators, buzzers, and cooling-fan control). To top it all off, the MCU's analog-to-digital converter (ADC) inputs and pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputs are made available as well. Currently, we have three versions of the UDVBM-1 available: one for the Arduino Pro-Mini, one for the Arduino Nano , and one for Seeed Studio's family of Xiao MCU modules. The UDVBM-1 offers these features: Board-edge connections (for use with or without headers) for I2C bus, SPI bus, 1-Wire bus, rotary encoder, ADC input, and PWM output. Onboard linear regulator with back filter to keep digital noise out of the rig's main supply. Versions for the Arduino include a small breadboard area of isolated pads for additional user circuitry. Available as a bare board, as a kit of PCB and parts to use with your own Arduino (or Xiao) and Si5351 modules, or as a fully-populated and tested assembly. Dimensions: for Nano, 2.0 x 5.0" (5.1 x 12.7cm); for Pro-Mini, 2.0 x 4.7" (5.1 x 12.0cm); for Xiao, 1.6 x 3.4" (4.0 x 8.6cm). Be sure you make the desired selections (bare PCB, kit, or assembled, and for the Nano, Pro-Mini, or Xiao) in the option boxes above. Assembled and tested units are produced on demand, and they are shipped within 14 days of order. If you purchase multiple items and it seems eBay didn't combine shipping costs properly, contact us for a refund of the excess amount charged (if we don't notice it first).