The performance of a receiver or transmitter depends on careful impedance matching between its sub-systems: its mixers, filters, and amplifiers. Mismatches can cause loss of signal strength, inter-modulation distortion, and deep ripples in the audio passband that can make human speech hard to understand. A termination-insensitive amplifier (TIA) such as this one always presents a 50Ω impedance at both its input and output ports, providing a stable and predictable impedance to whatever it's hook up to. This simplifies the design of the mixers, modulators, product detectors, and filters these TIA amplifiers serve in a complete radio system. The circuit on which this broadband TIA IF amp is based was devised by Wes Hayward, W7ZOI, and Bob Kopski, K3NHI. The TIA Broadband IF Amp has these features: Input and output port impedance is always 50Ω and does not pass through or "telegraph" to the other port. "Programmable" gain from 7 to 24dB. Useful from 1 to 30MHz (with slightly-lower gain above 14MHz). Uses 12VDC power. PCB pads for edge-style SMA connectors (also usable for direct solder connection). Mounting holes for 4-40 (M3) screws. 1.58" (4cm) long, 0.84" (2.6cm) wide. Available as a bare PCB, a kit of PCB and components (SMAs not included), or as a fully-assembled and tested unit ( SMAs not included ). Assembled and tested units are produced on demand and shipment is within fourteen days of order. If you purchase multiple items and it seems eBay didn't combine shipping costs properly, contact us for a refund of the excess amount charged (if we don't notice it first).