DIY KITS Frog Sounds HAM Radio QRP Telegraph CW Transceiver Radio Station V3. I absolutely love these DIY Frog Sounds CW QRP kits, I suggest you use them with the inverted V Dipole antenna for stealthy operation. on 12 Volts, I have made a QSO (Contact) with a fella in Jakarta, Indonesia from Albion, Maine using a 20&20 (20 meter and 20-meter lengths of copper wire) Inverted D dipole antenna (I'd be HAPPY to walk you through making one, even will give you videos an instructional literature until you have your stuff straight. You can also hook up a super cheap auto Keyer that'll translate your texts into morse code for you so that you can use an Arduino microcontroller and open-source software so set up your own international texting station that operated on the 40-meter band, and there are no fees. Ice storm? Blackout? You'll still be chatting globally! You're entering the rabbit hole to a WHOLE LOT of fun here and I'll happily be your guide every step of the way. when you get your device, you'll have a door opened, informationally, to reach out to me and you'll be having a wondrous learning adventure which will thrill and delight you and any you allow to be a part of it. have questions on how to set up any radio solution you can think of? Need help thinking of a custom-tailored communications solution for your needs? I'm your man. Come on the wild Radio adventure! maybe you'd like to try your hand at GSM or LTE (cellular band) surveillance [legally, in a controlled setting, of course], I can help you with any sort of radio interests you may have, and it'd be a joy for me to be allowed to help you!